Avalon Park

Avalon Park, courtesy of Jim Simon. Includes an adjacent nature preserve. The full name is Avalon Park and Preserve

Adjacent to the park is what is called the duck pond, a small park from which people feed the ducks. Which you aren't supposed to do unless you have special food.

View from the path. (Click on the picture for an enlargement.)
Japanese Maple along the path. (Click to get an enlarged picture.)
Map of park (on left) and nature preserve (on right; click on the picture for an enlargement.)
A view across Stony Brook Pond, from the bridge. Avalon is to your right; the park to feed the ducks is to your left; the mill is behind you. (Click to get an enlarged picture.)
Feeding the ducks. This is from the side of the pond by where you would park your car.
The Labyrinth. Walk the brick path to the center. It isn't hard, just long. (Click to get an enlarged picture.)
Avalon is dedicated to the memory of Paul Simon, Jim Simon's son. The sculpture of Paul is next to the Labyrinth.

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